#8 X 1-1/4" Phillips Flat Head | Particle Board Screws | Black Phosphate | Type-17 | Bulk Box 8000
P110-1650-6871- 30 Lbs Net Weight.
- Black Phosphate for reduced friction and increased corrosion protection.
- Type-17 Point to eliminate / prevent wood splitting.
- An all-round wood-to-wood product screw for building cabinets, furniture, etc. where smooth counter-sinking via nibbed head and anti-splitting action of the Type-17 point are needed. Zinc Plated. Can also be used to attach wood to light gauge steel. The Black Phosphate coating is used to reduce friction during installation and increase corrosion protection. Phosphate coating protects the fastener from corrosion although it is recommended that they are used for interior use only and not in treated lumber. TORNILLOS PARA ENTABLADOS