#6 X 1" Drywall Screw | Phillips Bugle Head | Coarse Thread | Dacrotized | Bulk Box 10000


  • $140.44

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  • 28 Lbs Net Weight.
  • Dactorized pollution-free ceramic long-life coating.
  • Coarse Thread with Sharp Point.
  • For interior or exterior use, including treated lumber.
  • Application includes drywall, deck, furniture, fencing and most wood fastening applications. Dacrotizing is a pollution-free ceramic coating for fasteners used with treated lumber. The coating offers corrosion protection comparable to hot-dip galvanizing without discoloring the wood. Screws with a proper Dacrotized coating can typically withstand a 500-hour salt-spray test. Dacrotizing greatly minimizes the risk of hydrogen embrittlement so baking the part is not required after the finish is applied. TORNILLOS PARA ENTABLADOS DACROTIZED.

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