1/4 X 4" Slotted Hex Washer Head | Concrete & Masonry Screw Anchor | Tapper | Bulk Box 1000


  • $403.29

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  • 1,000 Hour SST Rated Envirocoat Blue Ruspert Ceramic Coating.
  • Diamond-Shaped Tip for penetrating hard materials.
  • Hi-Lo Thread; Hardened Steel.
  • Materials: Concrete, brick, cinder block, masonry.
  • Our anchors are designed for safe, secure fastening for a variety of projects in concrete, brick, cinder block/ masonry. The Hi-Lo thread design provides self-threading action and maximum holding power for fastening junction boxes, wall partitions, insulation, frames, gutters, fixtures, expansion joints, stud tracks, duct straps, signs, etc. The special Envirocoat Blue Ceramic Ruspert coating is 1000 salt-spray rated and offers optimum corrosion resistance. The diamond shaped tip is designed to penerate hard materials. No sleeve or shield required. Pilot hole required for correct installation. Made with hardened steel. Available in both Hex Head and Phillips Flat Head. Note: Our hardened carbon steel screw anchors meet or exceed industry standards. However, the effects of galvanic corrosion should be considered if they are used with aluminum or when excessive moisture is present. ANCLAS DE TORNILLO PARA CONCRERO HEXAGONALES

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